
The best way to express what we do is to share with you concrete cases of the work we have done for our clients. Below you will find a balanced selection of client cases – across expertise areas, analytical concepts and data sources. We wish you happy reading. And feel free to reach out if you would like us to drop by to share more key findings.

Mandagmorgen & The LEGO Foundation

Mapping of The Good Life – According to Children

VisitDenmark, Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme and Danske Destinationer

An analysis of the Danes’ behavior and preferences in the summer season of 2020

Nordjyllands Historiske Museum (The Historical Museum of Northern Jutland)

Insights into the possible target groups for a new ‘Fjordmuseum’ in Hobro

Advanced Analytics

KL/Local Government Denmark and the University of Copenhagen

Virtual Reality (VR) as a tool to awaken young people’s interest in science, tech and math

The Danish National Election Study

The Danish National Election Study

Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment/STAR

How to elevate more unskilled workers to become skilled workers? 

The City of Copenhagen, the Health and Care Administration

Systematic public involvement in Denmark's largest health and care administration

Municipality of Aarhus

Is Aarhus a good city for everyone?