The municipality of Copenhagen launched a resource and refuse plan in 2018. Here, one of the objectives were that 45 percent of all domestic refuse should be recycled. To ensure the municipality reaches this target, among others, 39 initiatives and four main strategies have been described. The municipality want to map the citizens assessments and experiences with the different initiatives for recycling.
Epinion took on a desk research thereby mapping projects and experiences domestically and abroad related to this matter, we conducted field observations with eight citizens in the municipality, completed six qualitative interviews with citizens owning an apartment in Copenhagen, and collected 500 web-based interviews from citizens within the municipality. All data sources played a role in investigating the initiatives usability, economic potential, and the level of recyclability.
Epinion collected valuable data and transformed it into insights that gave the municipality the necessary baseline in selecting, developing, and reifying the initiatives going forward when preparing the resource and refuse plan for 2019-2024.