How to ensure digital traffic information solutions that are accessible to all citizens? Movia has investigated this issue over the last few years. One of the initiatives spun from this focus is Smart Stop, a beacon technology used to make traffic information specifically accessible to customers on their smartphones while waiting for a bus at a bus stop. Since 2019 Movia has run trials and tested the project and wanted to evaluate these trials from the users' perspective and gain insight into customer awareness and feedback. Moreover, they wanted to understand both users and non-users.
To understand both users and non-users perceptions and experience of the Smart Stop, Epinion conducted a research study based on interviews with passengers at bus stops on several occasions during the trials in 2019 and 2021. The ongoing research has contributed to information about the level of awareness of the digital traffic information solution Smart Stop and a deep understanding of how Smart Stop functions in its context.
Based on Epinion's research, Movia's Board of Directors has decided to extend the trial in the municipalities of Rødovre and Gladsaxe and extend the trial to several other cities so that Smart Stop ultimately will be tested at approximately 500 bus stops. In addition, in the next phase of the trial, Movia will test a more user-friendly functionality on the customers' smartphones, making it easier to get started using Smart Stop.