The local departments in FOA are key to members’ satisfaction with the advice and service they experience through FOA. Member satisfaction should therefore be both measured and activated locally to the extent this is possible. However, FOA has 37 local departments, and the amount of resources and specialist skills available in relation to activating and working with the results of a comprehensive and complex study varies from local department to local department.
Based on advice by Epinion, FOA decided to train internal staff to prepare the local departments for the important activation of the results of FOA’s large member satisfaction survey, which is available at both sectoral and local levels. The purpose is to ensure that, with the help of key employees from the main organisation, the local departments gain a deep understanding of the methods behind the study and not least that they are given tools to interpret and act on the results. Therefore, FOA has asked Epinion to complete a training course for FOA’s key employees before these employees visit FOA’s local departments.
Epinion has put together a training course that ensures that the selected key people have a basic knowledge of methods and statistics. Key employees are analysts and professional consultants with various degrees of experience with data analysis, which the training course takes into account by ensuring that even the most experienced are challenged and have their methodological knowledge expanded. The training sessions also provide the key employees with tools to help the local departments with prioritising the insights provided by the member survey and identifying specific activities that can help increase member satisfaction in the local department.