Polls & Social Science

For more than 20 years, we have shed light on Danish voters’ political attitudes to media, researchers and key players in the political arena. 

We shed light on the political and social behaviours and attitudes using tailored solutions for the design, collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. In short, we give voice to people.  

Our highly specialised team draws on up to 25 years of experience at leading companies and educational institutions that work with polling, voter behaviour and empirical social science. We make it our priority to keep ourselves updated on all relevant development in the field – including new theories on voting behaviour, revised collection methods or innovative experimental techniques for impact estimation. 

We also know that polls do not simply provide information about voters’ political opinions – they also influence those opinions. We collaborate with Danish and international election experts and political organisations to provide the best and most transparent process for our surveys – from designing questions and collecting data to analysing and disseminating the final results. 

Meet the Team

Gustav Skov

Senior Consultant

+45 28 55 66 79

Kristian Egløkke Østerbæk

Senior Consultant

+45 44 12 46 23

Trine Brigsted Jensen

Senior Manager

+45 22 87 61 41


The Danish National Election Study

The Danish National Election Study

Want to know more?

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