DOT prioritizes optimizing station facilities to provide a good transport service across all transport modes. As a result of this work, DOT mapped out the different facilities on the stations. They identified that information about station facilities could be of great value to their customers when planning a trip with public transportation. Therefore, DOT wanted to develop a digital information platform. However, they did not know what information would meet customer needs or how to be accessed.
In close collaboration with DOT, Epinion designed and facilitated a process where potential users were continually involved in the process. Initially, Epinion conducted a part quantitative, part qualitative study on how to best support travelers when planning a trip with public transport. The study included observation and stop-interviews, a quantitative survey with passengers, and two rounds of user tests with a smaller group of participants, some of which have a disability. Then Epinion supported DOT in creating a digital information prototype and conducted user tests. After the first user test, the prototype was adjusted according to the customers' needs and tested again.
Epinion supported DOT in creating a digital information product that meets users' needs, including people with a disability such as blindness. Epinion has delivered a digital information product that is relevant, applicable, and useful for the targeted group. DOT has decided to launch the digital information product with information about station facilities in Greater Copenhagen. This information has not previously been digitally accessible.