With the responsibility for marketing Denmark internationally, VisitDenmark has a need for updated knowledge about Denmark's position as a holiday destination in the priority foreign markets. This includes monitoring developments within a number of key parameters but also about continuously exploring new trends in the market, such as a comprehensive focus on the importance of sustainability in 2019.
Since 2012, Epinion has conducted an annual brand measurement for VisitDenmark, providing insight into potential, associations with and knowledge of Denmark in the selected markets. The latest survey in 2019 was based on almost 10.000 web interviews across eight European countries and cities. The implementation of the study is based on methodological rigour and a pre-defined quality assurance procedure, in order to ensure the comparability of historical data and a high quality of data.
The study provides VisitDenmark with a data basis from which insights can be developed on several levels, just as historical development across key focal points for Denmark as a holiday destination can be monitored. The study is thus a key element in VisitDenmark’s targeted international efforts to spread awareness of Denmark as a tourist destination, just as VisitDenmark helps communicate market insights to the tourism industry in Denmark broadly.