The Historical Museum of Northern Jutland has decided to develop and enhance the core story and visitor experience at `Lystfartøjsmuseet’ in Hobro – a smaller museum unit specialized in yachting and housed in a picturesque old grain warehouse on the harbor. As part of the early project planning, the museum assesses it both important and necessary to gain greater insights into the possible target groups for the new ‘Fjordmuseet’, and to test the ideas for the core story and types of experiences among these potential visitors.
Due to its early phase the project is not yet funded. This limits the present resources and the solution is a working model, where the museum invests time to collect the qualitative data and Epinion acts as trusted advisor for the museum and oversee the process. The museum thus interviews relevant target groups, experts within the tourist industry, other museums and attractions in the area and completes various observations. Epinion on the other hand guides and qualifies the data collection, recruits relevant target groups, analyzes the collected data and makes recommendations for future target groups and qualifies the final report for the museum’s board of Directors and various stakeholders.
The project has produced data which forms a targeted knowledge basis for the further development and decision making surrounding the new ‘Fjordmuseum’. Likewise the working model has resulted in the museum employees both gaining deep insight into target groups and their preferences and wishes, but also informed them on methods of data collection and use of data and market insights when growing the attraction and its stories and experiences.