Following the implementation of ‘Payment for Parking’ in Køge city centre, the city council decided to evaluate the initiative in order to assess whether the solution has achieved the desired effect and whether any changes should be made.
During the spring of 2018 Epinion planned and completed an evaluation with 1,297 users through a survey combined with two days of qualitative observations at a variety of locations in Køge city centre that have been affected by the implementation of ‘Payment for Parking’. The survey was distributed both through e-Boks and an open link on the Municipality of Køge’s website and Facebook page. The questions were related to users’ experiences of the new parking system.
Amongst other things, the evaluation highlighted the fact that it was possible to further improve the information about the new parking rules, since users were generally confused by the new system, about where the payment zones end, and about how and where to pay.