In partnership with London Heathrow Airport Epinion is nominated for two MRS Awards in 2021

August 10, 2021
We are proud to announce that Epinion in partnership with London Heathrow Airport has been selected as finalist for the Market Research MRS Best Training & Development 2021 award. In addition to the category entered by Epinion, the judges also selected that same entry as a finalist for the MRS Best Data Collection 2021 – Interviewer Administered category.
Working in partnership with London Heathrow Airport, data quality has remained at the heart of Epinion’s work at the airport throughout the pandemic. Face to Face data collection continues to be essential to ensure we capture data live in the moment to achieve the best results to help Heathrow understand passenger & airport staff behaviour, attitudes and needs during this difficult time. The results also allowed us to adopt new ways of working safely and enhance our training programs since we restarted our operation in July 2020 by utilizing the MRS Post-Lockdown Covid-19 Guidance.
Tinh To, Epinion Field Manager, London Heathrow Airport:
“Making safety and mental welfare a top priority at all times for our face-to-face data collection has ensured that our interviewers have worked consistently and efficiently at London Heathrow Airport during these difficult times.”
In 2018, Epinion in partnership with Heathrow received the Market Research MRS Award for Best Training and Development. It was a very proud achievement as it is the most recognised award in the Market Research industry and was highly appreciated amongst staff.
2020/21 has been a challenging year for Market Research especially in the Aviation sector and our Operations Team comprising Supervisors, Senior Interviewers, Mentors and Interviewers have done an outstanding job.
Tim Wheen, Head of Consumer and Customer Insight, London Heathrow Airport:
“Epinion’s input has been invaluable to Heathrow since the start of the pandemic. Since July they have been able to prove to us that it was possible to safely restart face to face interviewing by adapting their approach, while still maintaining the high levels of data we expect.
The data that the team has captured on how our passengers are feeling when travelling has enabled us to evolve our plans and develop new solutions to ensure that we continue to keep everyone flying feeling safe and secure in these particularly challenging times.”
To show appreciation to the Operations Team, Epinion entered in May an entry for the 2021 MRS Operations award and are proud to be nominated in two categories.