The opportunities to get involved have become more numerous, and Danes’ affiliations with member organisations have grown looser. However, most Danes are still a member of several organisations. Whether these are trade unions, environmental organisations, leisure associations, business associations or the like, these organisations want knowledge of their member groups so that they can fulfil their role as best possible.
On a weekly basis, Epinion is involved in member surveys for both large and small associations and organisations. The studies range widely and illustrate e.g. member satisfaction, motivation to volunteer, well-being, adult education and training, LGBTI matters and other current issues. Epinion advises organisations on the complete process, from the design of an analysis and data collection to the preparation of recommendations and assistance in implementation.
The insights from member surveys are used as a factual basis for internal decisions and external interests. This includes use for the development of the organisations' offers to members, as a political tool to improve members' terms and promote members' cases, as well as a springboard for receiver-oriented member communication via the organisation's own channels.