The administration for technology and environment in Aarhus Municipality developed several points of orientations as a focus until 2021 that emphasize on facilitating a service-oriented culture where cooperativeness, respect and interest in the citizen’s inquiry are the centre of attention. Thus, the focus on this matter has increased significantly internally in the organization. However, the administration lacks a baseline that documents the citizens / companies’ current opinion of the municipality’s image and service level.
Epinion designed two quantitative studies; a brand study and a user satisfaction study. The brand study entailed an analysis of the citizens interpretations of Aarhus’ image, and the user satisfaction study focused on the citizens / companies that had been in contact with the administration’s different authorities, and how their experience has been. The two studies were based on more than 4.000 web-based interviews.
The analysis provided substantial knowledge to the administration that functions as a baseline for the further development with the administration’s areas. The analysis is the first step in developing a service-oriented culture within the administration, thereby increasing the chance in fulfilling one of the points of orientations before 2021, that 80 percent must be satisfied after being in contact with the administration.