Generation Y will make up future families and be heavy food consumers. Therefore, it is essential for the food industry to understand and communicate with relevance with this generation. The Danish Agriculture & Food Council requested a study to zoom in on their world views and values providing answers to e.g.: How do they see themselves in the world? How are their social and digital behaviours? And what are their behaviours and preferences as food consumers?
First, Epinion established a mobile ethnographic forum which ran for seven days and included 40 participants from generation Y. Data and insights from this forum, which consisted of text, pictures and videos, were analysed and categorised – finding patterns and trends across the group. Next, four focus groups were conducted in order to reflect on gathered insights and provide further perspectives to deeply understand this generation.
The study provided the c with unique insights. Generation Y is a generation of digital natives living their lives through platforms and devices. They expect to have a say in a democratic world and hold a very strong view on the climate and sustainability. The insights improved the way the Danish Agriculture & Food Council connects with the generation today, as well as provided them with hints of what to expect from generation Y tomorrow.