Being able to measure the effects of advertising is an important area of focus for media companies, because these effects are key indicators of advertising value. One of Denmark’s largest media houses, Jysk Fynske Medier, works with Epinion in order to measure, understand and track how their print media, digital and radio campaigns affect their target groups, i.e., what is the measurable value of the campaigns.
Epinion has developed an approach for Jysk Fynske Medier using a standardized set of indicators measuring and benchmarking campaign performance related to brand awareness, message take-out, campaign appeal and relevance, behavioral effects, and brand building value.
Having conducted more than 100 campaign tests, Jysk Fynske Medier now has a sizeable benchmark database tracking campaign effects. This makes it easy to make comparisons across campaigns and provides a valuable source of learning about background and contextual factors that might affect campaign performance.