The municipality of Hvidovre works purposefully with the development of its primary schools and after-school centres (SFO’er). An important element of this continuously improvement is the measurement of parents’ satisfaction, i.e. knowing parents’ satisfaction compared to others and over time as well as parents’ feedback on areas of improvement.
Epinion assisted Hvidovre Municipality in planning, implementing and reporting on parent satisfaction in 2018. The focus of the digital data collection was achieving a high response rate across schools and grade levels. Based on parents’ responses, a comprehensive report and a report for each school were prepared.
Hvidovre Municipality uses the results of the parent survey in dialogue with its schools and parents. The provided insights from parents serve as fact-based and hereby somewhat objective guidance for the recurrent dialogue – and is a valuable approach to e.g. prioritize efforts with the areas of primary schools and after-school centres.