As part of its growth strategy our client identified the goal to become the go-to brand for consumers in a new sub-category. At the same time the brand identified the need for an organic & sustainable product proposition. However, before launching a new product range in a new category a deep understanding of the category from a consumer point of view was needed.
We conducted in-depth quantitative research to help our client identify white spots in order to define successful consumer propositions that generate high consumer appeal in an existing market landscape. In order to ensure that also the final product appeals to consumers, Epinion supported with further consumer insight along the innovation journey.
A long term cooperation during large parts of the innovation journey insured an in-context evaluation of the potential as well as a holistic identification of optimization areas to ensure a successful product launch in Danish retail. With a groundbreaking design, high-quality ingredients and a consumer-centric execution the product established the brand in a new and growth-driving sub-category.